SQL: Workflow Service components Status

Hi Everyone!!

Good piece of script to identify the status of the workflow components from sqlprompt.
This is alternate option to see workflow service components status from OAM GUI.

Run the below SQL as apps user

col component_id format 999999
col startup_mode format a10
col component_status format a10
col component_name format a50
set linesize 125
set pagesize 25
select component_id, startup_mode,component_status,component_type,component_name from fnd_svc_components

order by component_id;

Result will be shown as

More such scripts to come!

1 comment:

Shashi Kaushik said...

Hi Suresh,

I just came accross to your blog. It is really nice.

Where are you located? I am in CA.

Shashi Kaushik PMP, OCP 10g, 9i, 8i and 8 DBA