MS SQL Server Clone DB - Part1

 Hi Everyone!!

Today I was working on one of the MS SQL server DB clone. Engine is already configured and running on target QA.  This is Two part series.

MS SQL Server Clone DB - Part1 (this article).

MS SQL Server Clone DB - Part2  

Took a backup of Prod Latitude DB in H:\

Before taking backup was checking the space availability. 

Ran the below SQL on SSMS.

EXEC sp_spaceused @updateusage = 'true'

After I have made sure, the DB host disk space for backup. Kicked off the backup. 

To have the backup set expire after a specific number of days, click After (the default option), and enter the number of days after set creation that the set will expire. This value can be from 0 to 99999 days; a value of 0 days means that the backup set will never expire. I am specifying 7. 

Click Ok to complete the backup. On Part 2 will cover the refresh of the Latitude DB on target server. 

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