I have recently got a requirement to decommission the database, however I had to keep the data for ~5 years in archive for legal and compliance purpose. I have decided to keep the backup in S3 glacier deep archive is very reliable and cost effective platform offered by AWS. Here is article to help you move Oracle Backup to AWS S3 Glacier Deep Archive.
You have option to use Oracle Secure Backup Client modules to move data directly to AWS S3. However it costs $$. Secure Cloud is priced in number of channels that you use for backup/restore. I have explored that option with my Oracle Sales, we didn't pursue that route. Instead I decided to Use NAS to hold RMAN backup sets and copy after that using aws cli commands.
My Environment setup: Linux, Oracle 12c, prod
Tar archive of OH
tar -czvpf ipdprod_oh.tar.gz /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
rman target=/ |tee -a rman_compressed_bkp.log
RMAN compressed backup execution
$> cat rman_compressed.rcv
allocate channel ch01 device type disk format '/oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWS/%U' MAXPIECESIZE = 4500m;
allocate channel ch02 device type disk format '/oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWS/%U' MAXPIECESIZE = 4500m;
allocate channel ch03 device type disk format '/oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWS/%U' MAXPIECESIZE = 4500m;
allocate channel ch04 device type disk format '/oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWS/%U' MAXPIECESIZE = 4500m;
allocate channel ch05 device type disk format '/oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWS/%U' MAXPIECESIZE = 4500m;
backup as compressed backupset incremental level 0 database tag 'fullcompressed_ipdprod' INCLUDE CURRENT CONTROLFILE plus archivelog tag 'arch_compressbkp_IPDPROD';
If your backup set has more than 5G, you have deal the upload with multipart upload. Restricted backup set size to 4500MBs to avoid 5GB multipart uploads.
I have collected the init.ora backup as well. Next I have installed AWS CLI
As a root
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
cd aws
aws --version
Create S3 Bucket with lifecyle management to move the backup pieces to Glacier deep archive and set expiration to 5 years(1825 days).
I have used terraform commands to achieve that, main.tf contains below.
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "S3Bucket" {
bucket = "oracle-prod-ipdprod-decomfinalbkp"
acl = "private"
tags = {
Automation = "terraform"
CreatedBy = "first.last@domain.com"
Team = "teamnamegoeshere@domain.com"
versioning {
enabled = false
lifecycle_rule {
id = "push2glacierdeeparchive"
enabled = true
transition {
days = 0
storage_class = "DEEP_ARCHIVE"
expiration {
days = 1825
Generated upload commands
cd /oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWS/
ls -1 |awk '{print "nohup aws s3 cp " $1" s3://oracle-financials-ipddb-decomfinalbkp |tee -a s3_upload.log &;wait"}'>upload.sh
chmod 700 upload.sh
For restore used API calls.
Restore object API call has been made.
aws s3 ls s3://oracle-financials-ipddb-decomfinalbkp | awk '
{print $4}' | xargs -L 1 aws s3api restore-object --restore-request Days=5 --bucket oracle-financials-ipddb-decomfinalbkp --key
Copied back the RMAN files to NAS location
cd /oracle_shared/IPDPROD2AWSrestore
nohup aws s3 sync s3://oracle-financials-ipddb-decomfinalbkp . --force-glacier-transfer > restore_11242021.log&
There is a cost involvement in Storing and Retrieving with S3. Be mindful of that if you are playing with test environment. All worked well. Hope this helps someone.
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