First of all thanks for spending your time to view my blogspot. Hopefully you will thoroughly enjoy the every bit of it and you will learn and share technical stuffs via this blog. I take this blog to explore oracle applications in detail from the scratch. You can expect lot of materials, scripts, concepts, tips, tools info, metalink note ID's and much more in the forthcoming posts.
There are huge change in R12 in terms of functionality which customers directly see, in terms of UI(Browser look and feel - swan oriented), in terms of administrator perspective(lot of work have been put in to automate the administrators task), techstack changes etc.As we go, I will cover various facets of R12, 10g AS and the releated techstack components.
You forget that there was a character version of 10.7 applications.
So the evolution was:
10.7.0 -> -> -> 11.0.3 -> 11.5.x ->
[Note: 16.1G is smartclient,
I have missed the subreleases of APPS 11.0.x and mentioned 11.0.3, as it was the final release]
You forget that there was a character version of 10.7 applications.
So the evolution was:
10.7.0 -> 10.7.0 SC16.1 -> -> 11.0.3 -> 11.5.x ->
Thank you Methydra.
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