11g: Incident Service Packaging

Hi Everyone!

Another cool feature of 11g is Incident server packaging, called shortly IPS.
This feature reduces the tremendous effort from DBA's to gather trace information for Oracle Support. This is another benefit that you can get from adrci utility. If you haven't seen my previous post on adrci you can view at http://applicationsdba.blogspot.com/2008/01/11g-rac-adrci.html

Let us take an example for IPS.

I have seen recently few ORA-7445 errors in my alert log.
In olden era, If I need to raise Oracle SR, I would need to find all the relevant trace files, alert logs and zip them to send to Oracle. ISP makes it simple for DBA and it does everything for us.

My alert log looked like this

Errors in file /orahome/diag/rdbms/mfgprd1/mfgprd1/trace/mfgprd1_ora_228005.trc (incident=56577):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x10
6AB4358] [Address not mapped to object] []
Incident details in: /orahome/diag/rdbms/mfgprd1/mfgprd1/incident/incdir_56577/mfgprd1_ora_228005_i56577
Thu Apr 15 13:29:45 2010
Sweep Incident[56577]: completed
Thu Apr 15 13:29:45 2010
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20100415132945]
Thu Apr 15 13:30:56 2010
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x106AB4358, ioc_pin_shared_executable_obje
Errors in file /orahome/diag/rdbms/mfgprd1/mfgprd1/trace/mfgprd1_ora_228061.trc (incident=56585):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x0] [PC:0x10
6AB4358] [Address not mapped to object] []
Incident details in: /orahome/diag/rdbms/mfgprd1/mfgprd1/incident/incdir_56585/mfgprd1_ora_228061_i56585
Thu Apr 15 13:30:58 2010
Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20100415133058]

I packaged the traces using the below.

mfgprd1 $ adrci
ADRCI: Release - Production on Thu Apr 15 13:56:26 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

ADR base = "/orahome"
adrci> show homes
ADR Homes:
adrci> set homepath diag/rdbms/mfgprd1/mfgprd1
adrci> show incident

ADR Home = /orahome/diag/rdbms/mfgprd1/mfgprd1:
-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
56588 ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] 2010-04-15 13:42:35.189896 -04:00
56587 ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] 2010-04-15 13:33:34.982361 -04:00
56586 ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] 2010-04-15 13:32:34.153188 -04:00
56585 ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] 2010-04-15 13:30:56.714127 -04:00
56577 ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952] 2010-04-15 13:29:40.740693 -04:00
5 rows fetched

adrci> IPS CREATE PACKAGE PROBLEMKEY "ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952]"
Created package 1 based on problem key ORA 7445 [ioc_pin_shared_executable_object()+952], correlation level typical
Created package 2 based on incident id 56577, correlation level typical
adrci> IPS GENERATE PACKAGE 1 in /tmp
Generated package 1 in file /tmp/ORA7445io_20100415135735_COM_1.zip, mode complete
adrci> exit
mfgprd1 $ ls -ltr /tmp/ORA7445io_20100415135735_COM_1.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 oracle dba 3957224 Apr 15 13:58 /tmp/ORA7445io_20100415135735_COM_1.zip
mfgprd1 $

Now you can simply go ahead and upload the zip file. It has all they need. Wow!! so simple.

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