Configuring Discoverer SSL with Ebiz - Part II

Hi Everyone,

I give my sincere thanks to Author Sibusiso Maphalala, Oracle Apps DBA, South Africa for creating this fabulous article. n this article we will see configuring webcache, discovere,ebiz to make SSL work. This is in continuation of the article posted earlier in the blog

Step 4: Configuring Webcache ports in Application Server Control

NOTE: Restart the Webcache whenever prompted.

1) From the Home Page navigate to:

Webcache → Administration → Ports

In the section Listen Ports set the following parameters:

Protocol: HTTPS

Wallet: $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.wlt/wallet

2) From the Home Page navigate to:

Webcache → Administration → Origin Servers

Click on Edit

Set the following parameters:


Port: 7778

Protocol: HTTPS

3) Click on the Sites link

For the Section Named Sites

Click on Edit

Ensure the following parameters are set:


Port: 7777

Check that the Selected Origin Server shows as:

Step 5: Webcache Administration Settings

1) Open the Webcache Administration Site using the same login information as for Application Server Control. The URL is:

2) In the left pane scroll down to the Origin Servers, Sites and Load Balancing Section.

Select Origin Server Wallet

Set the path for the wallet to:


3) Click on Apply Changes.

Step 6: Configuring Discoverer in Application Server Control

1) From the Home Page navigate to:

Discoverer → Discoverer Plus → Communication Protocols

Note: the following settings is vital

Set the following parameters:

Communication Protocols: Secure Tunneling

Java Plug-in: Sun Java Plug-in (1.4)\

Step 7: Restart all Application Server Components

1) Use the opmnctl utility to stop and restart all the components using the following utility options:

Stop: opmnctl shutdown

Start: opmnctl startall

2) Open the Application Server Control Home Page and check that all the components have been restarted properly. It may be necessary to refresh the data using the Reload icon on the page.

Step 8: Configuration Changes in E-Business Suite

1) The following changes in the E-Business Suite is required to ensure that the calls to Discoverer from E-Business Suite is made using SSL.

2) Using System Administrator Responsibility make the following System Profile changes (these changes will be on Site Level):

Ensure that https is set for both the following profiles:

ICX: Discoverer Launcher

ICX: Discoverer Viewer Launcher

3) Navigate to the Oracle Applications Manager → OAM Setup

Select Site Map

In System Configuration Section, Select AutoConfig

Edit the parameters for Applications Tier

Search for s_disco_protocol and set the value to https

4) Stop the application, run adautoconfig and restart the application again.

5) Check that the Application has restarted cleanly and that the Concurrent Managers are properly synchronized.

In next article we will see upgrade plug in on discoverer installation and faced issues during installation/setup.

Author: Sibusiso Maphalala, Oracle Apps DBA, South Africa

1 comment:

Suresh Lakshmanan said...

best viewed in firefox.
