11gR2 Grid Infrastructure with lower version DB

Hi Everyone!

I had a situation where I need to have 11gR2 infrastructure Grid with lower version Database 10gr2. I was facing issues starting the database after 11gr2 grid install.

Steps I have done before starting the DB

x. Install Grid Infrasture
x. Install
x. Apply patch set on to

This was non-EBS instance

DB start up was giving the error
[oracle@qlxd3cfp001 dbs]$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Nov 17 14:28:08 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup nomount
ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
SQL> exit
[oracle@qlxd3cfp001 dbs]$

Alert log was giving the error

Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/paynowb/udump/paynowb1_ora_15714.trc:
ORA-27504: IPC error creating OSD context
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:skgxnqtsz failed with status: 0
ORA-27301: OS failure message: Error 0
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: SKGXN not av
clsssinit ret = 21
interconnect information is not available from OCR
WARNING: No cluster interconnect has been specified. Depending on
the communication driver configured Oracle cluster traffic
may be directed to the public interface of this machine.
Oracle recommends that RAC clustered databases be configured
with a private interconnect for enhanced security and
Picked latch-free SCN scheme 3

This is due to the fact that nodes were not pinned to grid infrastructure.

[oracle@qlxd3cfp001 lib]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/olsnodes -t -n
qlxd3cfp001 1 Unpinned
qlxd3cfp002 2 Unpinned
[oracle@qlxd3cfp001 lib]$

To pin, I had to run the below commands

[root@qlxd3cfp001 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl pin css -n qlxd3cfp001 qlxd3cfp002
CRS-4664: Node qlxd3cfp001 successfully pinned.
CRS-4664: Node qlxd3cfp002 successfully pinned.
[root@qlxd3cfp001 ~]#

Voila, DB instance came up

SQL> startup nomount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 4194304000 bytes
Fixed Size 2078064 bytes
Variable Size 738200208 bytes
Database Buffers 3439329280 bytes
Redo Buffers 14696448 bytes
SQL> exit

Hope someone would get hit on google to get the issue fixed.


Yousuf said...

Thanks for the post....!
what is the difference if I am doing the same for EBS instance with rdbms


Suresh Lakshmanan said...


It should be same i guess.
